What Is Behind The Iranian Perception?


The growing sense of patriotism among Iranians fuels their desire for a regime change, leading them to view Prince Reza Pahlavi as the sole alternative to the current government.

The Constitutional monarchy holds much more significance for Iran than just being a preferred form of government. It is an ideology deeply intertwined with the nation. Despite a history of over 2500 years of monarchy in Iran, the people now seek the return of the Pahlavi dynasty as the only true embodiment of a monarchy. A recent survey reveals that H.R.H. Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi enjoys a remarkable 79.1% popularity rating among Iranians.

The history, culture, and heritage of any country play a pivotal role in shaping its governmental structure. Importing a form of government from one place to another is not a feasible approach, and the same holds true for Iran. The pursuit of prosperity, freedom, and a secular government in Iran can only be realized through the leadership of Pahlavi. Pahlavism encompasses a range of policy goals, including fostering prosperity, maintaining peaceful relationships with other regions and the world, guaranteeing freedom of speech, and establishing a mixed economic system involving both businesses and the government. It serves as a blueprint for Iran to reconnect with its roots.

The people of Iran live and experience Pahlavism. Under the rule of Reza Shah, Iran witnessed significant social, economic, political, educational, and judicial reforms that diminished the influence of religious classes. During Mohammad Reza's reign, the White Revolution, a comprehensive national development program, was implemented, resulting in the expansion of transportation networks, the initiation of dam and irrigation projects, the eradication of diseases like malaria, the promotion of literacy, and the encouragement of industrial growth and land reform. Furthermore, Mohammad Reza Shah nationalized the oil sector and pursued alliances with the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, striving for a more independent foreign policy. However, these measures faced resistance from religious groups who viewed them as anti-Islamic.

The success achieved by the Pahlavi family over two decades provided a clear vision of how to establish a productive society where freedom, success, and prosperity are accessible to all. Now, we, the people of Iran, earnestly request your support in standing with us.


The Empirical Research and Forecasting Institute The political stance in Iran 28. February 2023

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